What do I look for when searching for an author?

Content Marketing Company

Finding the right author for a text project is as important as it is difficult. If you have not yet worked with a copywriter, a customer has to show a lot of trust in order not to invest his money incorrectly. Often, clients can only get an idea of ​​the content marketing company based on a few points. Before commissioning, you should always ask yourself:

What experience does the copywriter have: How many texts has he already written? For which projects has he already written? What is his professional background and what training does he have?

I like the style of the writer: does the style match the needs of my text? Does the style match the location where you want the text to be published?

Does the copywriter have a suitable subject area: Where does the copywriter get his specialist knowledge from? Where could he already prove it?

A well-filled author profile in text exchanges can answer some of these questions. With a keyword search, clients can filter out suitable authors. The search function thus offers a reliable way to find the right author.

Content Marketing Company

Write a briefing

Website owners or entrepreneurs should be very clear about what their content should look like before creating their briefing. Depending on the type of text, place of publication and topic. The choice of author also affects how you write a briefing . A briefing for the agency is designed differently than one for a text exchange. Basically, it can help to ask yourself the following questions:

Text type: What kind of text do I actually need? Product description , blog article, advice text, etc.?

Place of publication: Where will my text be published? In a private blog? In a specialist magazine? Or maybe in a web shop?

Target group: Which target group do I want to address? And what are the motives that drive this target group? Searching for information, needing entertainment, etc.?

Goal: What is the goal of my text? Do I want to generate as much traffic as possible or prove my expertise? What effect should the text have?

Structure: How should my text be structured? How many paragraphs do I want? Should subheadings and bullet points be used? Do I want a teaser to be written? Do I also need pictures, videos, etc.?


Having texts written is a good and necessary option for anyone who lacks the resources or skills to provide fresh content themselves. Whether blog texts, product descriptions or just Facebook posts – you can now find copywriters for every type of text.