Understanding Hand Tremor and Treatment Options by Joon Faii Ong London

Many reasons can cause hand tremors or shaky hands, but this is not usually life-threatening. However, this may sometimes make the tasks with hands difficult. This can also be the warning sign for some degenerative diseases or underlying neurologic conditions. The most common cause of handshaking may be essential tremors or Parkinson’s disease etc. But it can also be a side effect of anxiety attacks, alcohol withdrawal, multiple sclerosis, stroke, or some other health conditions. You should consult a doctor if you experience frequent hand tremors.

Joon Faii Ong London – Hand tremor treatments

Joon Faii Ong London reiterates the point that not all those who experience hand tremors may need treatment. However, it should be properly diagnosed by a good neurologist to suggest if treatment is required or not. Here are some common medications used for hand tremor treatment.

  • Propranolol, a beta-blocker also used in treating arrhythmia, hypertension, etc.
  • Primidone, an antiseizure drug.

If these primary medications do not work, then the physician may prescribe some other medications.

  • Metoprolol and atenolol, which too are beta-blockers used to treat essential tremors.
  • Gabapentin and topiramate are medicines used to treat psychiatric and neurological conditions like neuropathy, seizures, etc. These drugs were found to have good results in patients with essential tremors.
  • Alprazolam is another medicine that is also used in treating anxiety and panic disorders. This is found effective in essential tremor treatment too. The drug has to be taken with extra caution as it has a habit-forming nature.
  • Botulinum toxin or Botox is also effectively used in treating essential tremors causing hand shakiness. Botox injection benefits may last for up to three hours. This mediation may cause muscle weakness while injected, and so it should be used after thorough diagnosis and as suggested by a physician by knowing all its risks and benefits.

Joon Faii Ong London

Hand tremor treatments

Your physician may suggest one or more treatment modalities to ease the hand tremor symptoms. Here are some standard treatment options.

  • Using heavy objects – You may use heavier objects like silverware, glasses, or plates, whereas the extra weight may make it easier to handle.
  • Wrist weights – Wearing wrist weight on your arms help to control easier.
  • Hand exercise – Physicians may also suggest some hand exercises to strengthen the muscles.

Surgery for tremors

It is very unlikely that your physician may recommend surgery at the first point. Surgery for tremors is suggested only to people with highly disabling tremors. The recommended procedures, if needed, are below.

  • DBS

DBS or Deep brain stimulation is an interventional procedure in which electrodes are placed into the brain, receiving signals that interfere with brain activity and block tremors. The signals are transmitted from the device placed under the skin or chest.

  • Thalamotomy

In this procedure, surgeons may use radiofrequency waves with a permanent lesion at a small area of the thalamus part of the brain. An MRI guides the waves at aim. This will the electrical activity of the brain and help stop the tremor.

In any case, as Joon Faii Ong London mandates, you need to consult a good doctor on experience hand tremors to make a proper diagnosis and decide the treatment modalities.

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