Robert Turner Talks About Why Young Adults Should Consider Going to the Church

Visiting the church on a regular basis is a common practice for many, including Robert Turner. However, today there are many young adults who might not pay heed to this long-standing tradition of Sunday church visits. A lot of individuals who are fully immersed in the church during college or even high school simply stop visiting it one day. There always are many who come back to the church after wandering off for a few years. The journey of spirituality is obviously unique for each and every person, and that is often reflected by their church habits. But on the whole, like everyone else, young people would also benefit from visiting the church regularly.

Visiting the church allows people to get together with the local Catholic community, worship God and has varying spiritual benefits. It also impacts the life in many other ways. Making it a habit of running out of the house every Sunday to get to the church on time is surely a character-building practice. It allows people to spend time together with their family or even with their local community. On the whole, for young people who often are too burdened with various personal and professional issues, church can actually bring a distinctive sense of comfort and stability. Many young people get into the habit of sleeping and waking up late. This habit can actually hamper their health. Making it a habit to wake up early for Mass can actually help people to get into a better sleep schedule. Moreover, after the Mass they will have a whole day to spend with their friends. Choosing to rise earlier than one would otherwise like to for the purpose of spending time with God is a great way to build discipline.

A lot of young people lead pretty isolated lives.  While a certain level of self-sufficiency is always good, people are not designed to lead life alone. Humans are social beings after all. To an extent, each and every person craves relationships. But at times, it becomes hard to form deep bonds while leading a busy lifestyle. Visiting the church often makes it easier for people to develop positive relationships with others. No matter whether someone has just relocated to a new neighborhood or just want new friends, church can provide them with a chance to surround themselves with positive, like-minded people. Church visits are way more than just socializing. It fosters the feeling of a real community who would stand by each other through thick and thin.

Robert Turner mentions that modern life is filled with constant distraction and noise. Getting constant notifications on the phone is common for most young people. But amidst all this chaos, one hardly gets time to enjoy true peace and this is why visiting the church can be a great experience.  No matter whether it is out of reverence or respect, all people mute their phones and are quiet after entering the church, providing people with a sense of serenity.