Dos and don’ts of cleaning during pregnancy

Yes uncommon food cravings are common during pregnancy, but deep cleaning during pregnancy is also common during this stage. Before you put on the yellow gloves, check out to the dos and  don’t as succumbing to the pregnancy urges and hand over the cleaning responsibilities to anyone else.


Rely on natural cleaners

Most of the cleaners are safe to be used during the period of pregnancy. If a product is going to make you feel nausea , if the smell is harsh or chances of a itchy skin increases then it is better to switch over to a natural product. As an expectant mother you are nervous to exposure of harsh chemicals, so it is better in sticking to natural products. When at the store look on the natural labels on the products.

Wear gloves

It has to be stated that the immune system is not at its strongest during the phase of pregnancy. Environmental irritants or chances of minor bugs bothering you are all the more. When you spot a face mask or gloves it does protect you from harsh chemicals.


Switch on the fan or open the windows. When there is fresh air flowing in you are bound to feel comfortable and it is going to less the exposure to chemicals. If you feel that you would need to get outside when your partner is cleaning the house then please go ahead and do it.

Now coming to the do not list during pregnancy

Scrub mold

Cleaning body during pregnancy is not something that is unheard off. There are some molds that do increase the chances of health problems. Though there is no hard proof on the fact that exposure to molds does pose risk during pregnancy, it is always better to keep a distance. If you have no option rather than to remove the mold, then wear gloves and a face mask coupled with the fact that you refrain from exposure to spores.

Oven should be deep cleaned

A small area and exposure to harsh chemicals is bound to make cleaning a no prone job during pregnancy. You can hand over this task to a professional or your partner who will do a pretty decent job.

Litter box and changing it on a frequent basis

This is an activity which all cat owners would like to keep off. Cats are embedded with parasites that are known to cause harm for a developing baby. Yes the cat can be kept on a snuggling couch, but do keep them from litter.

Tempt gravity

The cow bed areas of your home could wait for some time. When you climb a latter it is all the more risk as there is a hump you are carrying with you. If you avoid falls it works out great for both the mother as well the baby.

To conclude the key is to be healthy during the course of pregnancy. There are some activities that you can indulge in like lifting a heavy bag for strength training.

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