Cake Ideas for a Princess Birthday Party

longevity cake

A dessert that is more than just a dessert – a beautiful looking wedding cake – but the effect of the sticker can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you get a great tasting cake and extra money.

Talk to the manager of your venue and find out what the rules are for your wedding cake. In some places it will be possible to bring cakes only from licensed bakers; these are businesses or home bakers who have the necessary permits to bake a cake. Don’t try to avoid this, or you might end up with a cake that won’t be served. Also find out if the establishment charges a fee for cutting and serving the cake you bring.

The cake is covered with butter cream or fondant. A fondant is a marshmallow that is rolled up and placed on top of the cake. It tastes awful. Butter cream tastes great, but it doesn’t look smooth like fondant, which is why decorators love fondant. At the bottom of every cake, where one cake meets another, there is a border of decoration, be it icing, fondant, ribbon, or even caramel. This helps cover the edge. After the cake has been laid, decorations such as flowers are added. This is the basic construction of the cake. Don’t let the price fool you, a cheap cake isn’t a bad cake, and an expensive cake doesn’t guarantee it’s the best. Taste – ask for a sample and do not order the cake until you taste it properly.

You will need to choose the flavor of the cake, the filling and frosting, as well as the color of the outer surface and decorations. It sounds simple enough, but the price can get out of hand very easily, so here are some ways to keep your budget and get the best inexpensive cake you can.

Don’t forget about grocery stores. Many offer wedding cakes and cupcakes. Check their shipping policies; you may need to assemble it yourself.

longevity cake

Order a simple cake and decorate it with your own natural flowers. Custom made sugar flowers are very expensive.

I made wedding cakes decorated with silk flowers. Wash all flowers; You cannot use them with running dyes.

Order a smaller cake and then have it delivered to your kitchen. The main longevity cake will be in your photos, this is the one you cut and leafy cakes can make the difference. In fact, no one cares about this, and the difference in price is significant.

Cupcakes can be cheaper; you need a way to display them. Compare the price of a regular wedding cake by comparing the “per piece” price to the price of the cake. You can order simple cupcakes and decorate with a flower or candy.

You will save more if you can do it yourself – practice it, take a few lessons to learn how to do it, and the extra money is all yours.