Brian Ferdinand – The Differences Between Real Estate Agents and Real Estate Consultants

Real estate consultants are experienced professionals who offer specialized financial and investment advice to their clients interested in buying, selling, or investing in properties. They are closely associated with many people involved in the process of selling and buying land and properties. Now, when it comes to property and land searches in the areas of interest, you need the help of an agent; however, do you need a real estate consultant’s service? To determine whether you should hire him or not, you need to understand the differences between a real estate agent and a real estate consultant.

Brian Ferdinand – What is the role of the real estate consultant in the sales process?

Brian Ferdinand is a renowned name and experienced professional in the field of real estate investing in New York, USA. He is known for his outstanding commitment to his clients and strategies that bring in consistent growth to real estate revenue. He is a business consultant and entrepreneur with about 16 years of valuable experience under his belt. He is currently the Managing Partner of CorpHousing Group, an esteemed name in the field of short- term apartment rental operators in America.

Real estate agent vs. consultant

When it comes to investing in real estate, he recommends taking the assistance and advice of a good real estate professional for help. However, clients often are confused as to whether they should hire a real estate agent or a real estate consultant for the task. However, hiring a real estate consultant is optional for you as, like the real agent who will help you search for the property listings in the area of interest, the real estate consultant will advise and offer you analysis on the properties you have shortlisted. Both the agent and the consultant of real estate have a broker’s license; however, when it comes to exploring the viability of the site or the property you have selected, you need to hire a real estate consultant for the job. Unlike the real estate agent, the consultant is never a part of the sales process and cannot replace the agent during the negotiations of the actual transaction that takes place.

Check background and credentials before you hire a real estate agent or real estate consultant

He adds that before you hire an agent or a consultant for real estate, ensure both of them are credible in the market with proven track records. They should be experienced in the property investment field so that they can counsel and guide you with the correct information.

In the opinion of Brian Ferdinand, real estate consultant help with extra services related to land or property investments. They cover analysis of the market, the management of leases, and assets. The real estate consultant generally works with several clients from the industry, including financial lenders, construction companies, and business owners. When it comes to their remuneration, these professionals fix hourly rates for their consulting services, unlike real estate agents that charge commission for their services against a sales process.

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